.Astronomy 8: Oxford 2016

Oxford, 2016
Our eighth event was hosted at Pembroke College at the University of Oxford in June 2016.
It was organised by Becky Smethurst, an Oxford PhD student at the time, and supported by Chris Lintott and Sarah Kendrew.
The Local Organising Committee included: Mark Richardson, Edward Gomez, Ruth Angus, Sam Vaughan, Ellen Schallig and Sandor Kruk.
We had live talks on open science in the Kepler missions, hardware hacking, citizen science, LSST data schools, the use of library archives in astronomy and ESA Sky.
Talks were given by Adam Miller, Carl Ferkinhoff, Ali Swanson, Geert Barentsen, James Gilbert, Tom Robitaille, Sarah Kendrew and Daina Bouquin.
Our pre-dinner talk was given by Aleks Scholz about WETI, the Wait for Extraterrestrial Intelligence!
day 0
We had our second ever 'Day 0' in Oxford following the success at its introduction at .Astronomy 7 in Sydney.
We had tutorials on the various different programming languages and tools, GitHub, how to get something hosted on the web, Flask, D3, webscraping, Django and argparse.
Tutorial/talk contributors: Sarah Kendrew, Arna Karick, Demitri Muna, Scott Thomas, Lisa Ballard, Brian Cherinka, Phillip Plewa, Thomas Robitaille, Edward Gomez & Geert Barentsen.
The Hack Day took place on Wednesday 22nd June 2016. All hacks are listed on the .Astronomy 8 hack collector page.
Alasdair Allan
Adam Avison
Brian Cherinka
James Gilbert
Chris Lintott
Melanie Beck
Adam Becker
Matthew Graham
Geert Barentsen
Brett Andrews
Matthew Kenworthy
Aleks Scholz
Philipp Plewa
William Roby
Greg Schwarz
Bruno Merin
Coleman Krawczyk
Edward Gomez
Erik Tollerud
Stijn Calders
Dan Foreman-Mackey
James Allen
Andrew Newsam
August Muench
Alyssa Goodman
Carol Christian
Alasdair Allan
Jordan Martin
Thomas Robitaille
Daina Bouquin
Anna K. Weigel
Jesse Shanahan
Andy Lawrence
Justyn Campbell-White
Andy Casey
Sarah Kendrew
Lia Sartori
Rasmi Elasmar
Chris North
Meredith Durbin
Benjamin Pope
Kelle Cruz
Ashley Villar
Sam Vaughan
Scott Thomas
Sandor Kruk
Demitri Muna
Meredith Rawls
Niall Deacon
Hugh Osborn
Simon Murphy
Mark Richardson
Stephen Serjeant
Jonathan Fay
Lisa Ballard
Arna Karick
Patrick Hall
Joshua Warren
Ricarda Beckmann
Summer Ash
Carl Ferkinhoff
James Davenport
Jamie Fergurson